In the third period of Sunday's game, Namestnikov was hit in the side of the head with the puck after a slap shot by his teammate Nate Schmidt and was taken to a local hospital, where they discovered that he suffered a fractured cheek bone. He traveled back to the Manitoba capital on Monday after being released from hospital.
Despite the fractured cheek bone, Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness told reporters on Monday that he hasn't ruled out Namestnikov for Game 5 on Tuesday night and that there's a possibility he'll be in the lineup.
Hockey players are the toughest athletes in all of sports, there's not doubt about that and Namestnikov is just further proof of that. From being diagnosed at hospital with a fractured cheek bone to potentially suiting up for his team in an elimination game on Tuesday night, all in the span of a little more than 48 hours. It's wild to even see that he's potentially available to play as many thought he would be out for quite a while.
We'll have to wait for warmup to see if Namestnikov takes to the ice, but regardless, it's a big night for the Jets. Winnipeg will look to stave off elimination on home ice on Tuesday and extend the series to a sixth game back in Colorado. Puck drop for that contest is set for 9:30 p.m. ET on Sportsnet.
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AVRIL 30 | 414 ANSWERS Jets' Namestnikov status revealed for game 5 Will the Jets win on Tuesday night and extend the series to a Game 6? | ||
Yes | 96 | 23.2 % |
No | 318 | 76.8 % |
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