Husband of woman who collapsed at Toronto Marlies game provides an update and reason for her medical emergency

Josh tupper
January 24, 2023  (4:13 PM)

On January 13th, the Toronto Marlies and Manitoba Moose were forced to postpone their game, after a fan in attendance suffered a medical emergency. All emergency medical personnel in attendance were immediately summoned to the section as they attempted to resuscitate the woman.

Reports indicated that multiple people in attendance assisted with performing CPR before the fan was taken by ambulance to a local medical facility.

Unlike in most incidents, we have finally received an update on the woman's medical condition. The woman's partner took to Facebook to share an update on his partner's condition and what caused her to collapse.

Hello. I just wanted to update you on the condition of the female fan who had a medical emergency at Friday night's game between the Moose and Marlies. It turns out her heart just stopped or what is also known as a cardiac arrest. I'm her partner Paul and she has gone from being in a chemically induced coma late Friday night/early Saturday morning to being fully awake responsive and speaking in a matter of just 72 hours! Of course she still has a long road to recovery but believe the worst is over, thank God. I would like to thank the good Samaritans who performed CPR on her in the 115 section where we were seated.Your quick response time was crucial in her miraculous recovery today. I never did find out who you were but you definitely deserve a big hug from both of us. Also to the Marlies EMS staff and firefighters who continually worked on her with chest compressions and emergency equipment thank you. To the police and Marlies staff who tried to console me during this incredibly stressful time thank you. To the ambulance drivers who kept her alive on the way to the hospital, thank you. To the fans on the Marlies Twitter page who showed us love and compassion, thank you Btw my partner, Karen, has no recollection of the incident and was more embarrassed that they postponed the game for her than anything else...lol. I believe though it was a very classy move by the 2 teams involved as well as the AHL to suspend the game out of respect to her. On a lighter note, Karen said to me her favorite Marlies hoodie was destroyed when the EMS workers cut all her clothes off to resuscitate her...lol. Of course she understands it was necessary at the time and is very thankful for those who helped save her life but it does add some levity to an otherwise grave situation...lol. Once again thanks to all who helped us out that night or showed us support. You truly are all heroes!

Luckily for the parties involved a quick response was able to save the fan's life. Hopefully she makes a full recovery. It is also great to hear someone share the cause of such an event. Our thoughts remain with the family during this difficult time.