Jaromir Jagr shares his last words to his father with the whole world and it's perfect

Josh tupper
November 22, 2022  (5:23 PM)

Last week Jaromir Jagr announced the passing of his father on his Instagram account. Jagr always credited his father as an integral part of his hockey career. Jaromir and his father were as close as could be.

Today Jagr took to his Instagram account to share his final words for his father and it definitely hits you right in the feels.

THE LAST LETTER ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN TO DAD FROM SON. Dear dad, here's a day i hoped would never come. The day you leave this world for a world unknown to us. But I believe the day you chose to walk away, you're giving mea clear sign that everything is exactly how it should be and I need not be afraid. 15.11.2022, if we add all the numbers 15+11+20+22 the sum equals to number 68 and that is the number wear on my hockey jersey and is meant for me. want to thank you for everything you have done for us. For me, for Jitka, for my mom and the whole family. And not just for us, you can say for everyone. I have never seen you reject someone. Who asked you, you helped. You toiled and worked from dawn to dusk. You didn't miss one practice session or game. You were strict but fair. You were the one who created me, who painted me. I was just an image that people come to look at, some even admire. But the real painter was you. Inborn authority was your brush and genius advices like - just listen to me, don't drink alcohol, don't show pain, you must always train more than others and my favorite advice - don't marry, you have enough time, were your colours. If I had to sum it up ld say you sacrificed 100% and did your best to make your family better than you did. And l'd like to remind you of your unique dry humor. Who didn't know him didnt understand. Just your original greeting "Wel hey, are you doing something? "he managed to derail even the biggest champions. And finally, I have an advice for you. I don't know how it works in heaven and I don't even know who you'll meet first, if st. Peter, Jesus or God himself, but try to greet them differently than you did here on earth. You know, just greet them with the "Hey, are you doing something?" " probably wouldn't be the happiest beginning. Have a nice time there and see you soon. Jaromir, Jitka and mom.

It's amazing that the NHL Legend was willing to share this incredible story with everyone. Jagr continues to be the epitome of what a good human being should be.