Senators GM shuts down Brady Tkachuk trade rumours

Cooper Godin
May 28, 2024  (5:44 PM)

Ottawa Senators captain Brady Tkachuk.
Photo credit: NHLPA

The Ottawa Senators went into the 2023-24 season with high hopes and thought that they would take a significant step forward in their rebuild. However, that never happened and the team finished seventh in the Atlantic Division.

There could be plenty of change this summer in the nation's capital and early this week, rumours were swirling regarding Senators captain Brady Tkachuk and if he would be moved by the team.
These rumours spread quickly on social media on Sunday night and on Monday, Senators General Manager Steve Staios was asked if his captain was on the trade block. Staios shot down those rumours and called them 'complete B.S.'.
"Complete B.S.," he told TSN Hockey Insider Pierre LeBrun on Monday in The Athletic. "We are building this team around Brady. His leadership and unique skill set are rare.

There is absolutely no validity to it."

This isn't the first time Staios has addressed trade rumours regarding Brady Tkachuk after it was brought up on the Spittin' Chiclets podcast back in February of this year.
"Ah yeah, that could not be further from the truth," Staios told LeBrun on Feb. 28. "I don't follow on social media. I do get our communications people alert me to things like that. There's obviously no truth to that. Like, we're building the team around Brady Tkachuk, and the type of person, the type of player and the type of leader that he is. He means everything to the organization. And he brings it every night along with our core group of players.

It's a matter of time and a matter of nurturing this group."

The 24-year-old is a key piece to the future in Ottawa, alongside Tim Stutzle, Jake Sanderson, among others. Next season will be crucial for the Ottawa Senators to take that next step and they'll do so with a new head coach - Travis Green. It'll be interesting to see what Steve Staios does with the roster this summer and if he considers any big trades or free agent signings to boost his team.
Source - TSN: 'Complete B.S.' Sens GM Staios swats down rumours team is looking to trade Tkachuk
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Senators GM shuts down Brady Tkachuk trade rumours

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