Mitchell Miller's victim releases a graphic statement of abuse, through the Hockey Diversity Alliance

Josh tupper
November 9, 2022  (11:05)

When the Boston Bruins signed Mitchell Miller it set off a chain reaction of events. Throughout the entire scandal involving Miller, we've never heard anything from the victim, Isaiah Meyer-Crothers. That is until now.

Today the Hockey Diversity Alliance's Akim Aliu partnered with Isaiah to help share in his own words the trauma he went through at the hands of Miller and his friends. Isaiah asked for the HDA to help him share his message through his own words.

The statement below is in Isaiah's own words. Some passages have been lighthy edited for brevity and clarity.

I am Isaiah Meyer-Crothers. I would like to make a statement.

I have been bullied since I was in 1st grade.

There were not many black kids at my school. I was called "brownie" and "n----"

Kids said my black mom and dad didn't love me that's why I had white parents.

Mitchell used to ask me to sit with him on the bus and then he and his friends would punch me in the head. This happened my whole time in school.

When I went to junior high Mitchell would spit in my face and call me a N word. stopped telling because they called me a snitch and would get made fun of. had to say I was "his n-----" to sit at his table and he made me clean the whole table. He threw food in my face. I was called "n---"every day.

The office would tell me to stay away from him because he wasn't my friend. Once he got expelled from school, his friends started bullying me.

He pretended to be my friend and made me do things I didn't want to do. In junior high, I got beat up by him.

Everyone thought he was cool, but I don't see how someone can be cool when you pick on someone and bully someone your entire life.

Middle of October, I was being texted constantly everyday till answered a Snapchat and IG message from Mitchell Miller. He asked me why always have my parents doing stuff for me and why can't I speak for myself.

I told him I don't care what my parents say I'm old enough to speak for myself.

He told me he was sorry and [that the apology] didn't involve hockey.

He told me he was doing stuff in the community and helping the youth and wanted to be my friend.

I told him, "That's all cool but where is the proof though?"

He didn't give me any (proof].

All the lies I have been told from him for so many years don't believe what Mitchell told me.

He kept asking me to be his friend and that he has changed over the years from what he did.

I told him, "I'm not just gonna be your friend after all you did to me."

I am now getting messages on social media from people, calling me 'a slow, retarded assclown' and you stupid N----' saying that I need help'.

Mitchell isn't my friend. It hurts my heart what he did to me.

So just wanted to tell everyone-when Mitchell says we're friends it isn't true. I can't take more of this.

Through this entire process the story has been told through the point of view of Miller, Isaiah's parents and the legal system, but now we finally have Isaiah's version of the events. We hope that Isaiah, through the Hockey Diversity Alliance, can find the support he truly needs to help get through this as he works to get his life in order.

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