The NHL makes a shocking announcement, suspends all Russian partnerships

Mike Armenti
February 28, 2022  (5:32 PM)

On Monday afternoon, the National Hockey League released a statement regarding the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. The NHL has announced that, effective immediately, all relationships with their Russian partners will be suspended. In addition, the League will be discontinuing their Russian language digital and social media platforms and Russia will no longer be hosting any competitions involving the NHL.

The NHL also released a statement in solidarity with their Russian players, who have faced numerous threats over the past few days.

We also remain concerned about the well-being of the players from Russia, who play in the NHL on behalf of their NHL Clubs, and not on behalf of Russia. We understand they and their families are being placed in an extremely difficult position.

A little over 5 percent of NHL players are Russian and as a league with players of many different nationalities, it's important to acknowledge that not every player who comes out of Russia agrees with the actions taken by Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

On Monday morning, player agent Dan Milstein revealed something alarming with regard to Russian players playing in North America. Apparently some of them have received very real threats. In response, the NHL has announced its intention to ramp up security to ensure the safety of these players and their families.

The players whose families remain in Russia, that's a whole different issue. For obvious reasons, players need to be careful what they do or say in the media for fear of something being taken out of context.

Obviously, we all hope that the conflict can be resolved peacefully and quickly to avoid any more casualties. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who has been affected.